How to prepare your car for the winter months

guestblogIt’s November and to date we’ve been relatively lucky in terms of the cold weather we know is coming soon. So there’s no excuse for having a poorly prepared car come the certain onslaught of winter. The best time to prep your car for winter is now, of course, not when the first snow falls. You certainly don’t want to find yourself locked out of your car or broken down in the cold.

Here are some essential winter car preparation tips compiled for us here by

Check Your Tyres

compressor testWhen winter approaches car owners should think first about their tyres.

If your treads are worn or pressures are too high or low, this could spell disaster. Look at your tyre treads. Are the grooves clearly visible? Whilst the legal limit for tyre tread is 1.6 mm they really should be closer to 3 mm deep to cater for the demands of snow driving.

Most tyres these days are multi-seasonal and can handle light snowfall. If you live in a heavy snowfall area or are surrounded by hills, however, you should consider winter specific snow treads.

Remember, snow chains are legal only on snow covered UK roads, but on tarmac the chains must be removed. Finally, throughout winter you should keep a close eye on your tyre pressures to maintain maximum traction.

Electrical System Check

In order to start your car in the winter you will need a strong battery. If you current battery is over four years old you might want to think about replacing it before the really cold months arrive. The least you should do is take it to an electrician to have the charge checked. You also should make sure the cable connections are clean. You might find corrosion and build up which will interfere with starting. Carefully disconnect the cables and clean all contact points with steel wool.

Lights are also part of the electric system of course. Make sure all headlamps and high-beams are in proper working order. Finally, check the brake lights and turn signals. You must make certain you can see and be seen in poor visibility and snowy weather.

Lock Check

Frozen car locks might be one of the most frustrating winter experiences. You can avoid this by properly lubricating your locks. Make sure you use a water repelling lubricant such as WD 40 Specialist, and oil all hinges and hooks. Open and close your doors several times to let the lubrication work itself in; then wipe clean with a dry rag. It might be a good idea to pick up a can of de-icer spray but don’t stow it in your car! If your locks freeze up how are you going to get the de-icer out?

It’s a surprisingly easy mistake to make. Be sure to leave the de-icer on a shelf at home.

Fluids Check

Your antifreeze levels must be kept optimal throughout the winter months. A frozen radiator can be an extremely expensive disaster. Also monitor your oil levels and change the oil exactly as indicated by your car owner´s manual. The windscreen wiper fluid reservoir is also important to keep filled as you will use more wiper fluid during dirty driving conditions.

Visit Your Mechanic

Take your car to a mechanic to have your brakes checked. Worn down brake pads cannot stop your car well when the weather turns wet and cold. You should also have all your belts checked for wear and replace as needed. A broken fan-belt in a blizzard is not fun. Make sure you use a garage that operates to a Trading Standards Institute Approved Code of Practice scheme or a local mechanic that is Automotive Technician Accredited (ATA).

Car insurance

On top of preparing your vehicle and any supplies you might need, as well as having the car checked over by an expert, you should make sure that you’ve got adequate insurance cover in case of breakdown or other accidents that may be more of a risk when the weather gets cold and driving conditions deteriorate. You can use a comparison website to see who can offer the best deal for the type of cover you need.

Winter Emergency Kit

No matter how well your car is tuned, the unexpected can happen. During the winter you should always make sure you have a good charge on your mobile phone before heading out in bad weather.

Here are some additional items you should consider stowing in the boot:

Spare hat and gloves
Small or collapsible snow shovel
Road flares or reflective triangles

Winter is coming fast, so be prepared. Follow these tips and you will be ready for any situation the weather throws at you.

Perhaps, when the weather is really bad, the best advice is to simply stay home by the fire with the ones you care for.