Category Archives: insurance for women

Win Car Insurance Competition

Thanks to our FOXY Lady Insurance partner, Cornmarket Insurance Services, we are announcing a special insurance competition so that one UK female insurance policyholder can win up to £500 worth of car insurance at renewal time in 2018.

All you have to do is REGISTER FOR AN INSURANCE QUOTE (car, home, motorcycle or pet) – and read the Terms and Conditions on that page please.

We don’t promise that we can beat ’em all, but depending on perceived risk factors and during changeable market conditions, we are one of the only insurance services (if not the only?) to ring fence a totally female portfolio when it comes to motor, home, motorcycle and pet insurance.

Which is a good thing in most instances.

And there’s more.

An added bonus for non members

If you have yet to join FOXY Lady Drivers Club, just register for an insurance quote and enter this competition to receive a FREE Online Member gift subscription to FOXY Lady Drivers Club into the bargain. This makes you eligible for our Member Only insurance services.

If you are a member of FOXY Lady Drivers Club, please tell any female friends who aren’t.

We do this because only women can legitimately be members of a motoring club so we can then reserve our preferential insurance rates/services for female members of the Club. Who can then add partners and husbands of course. But not boy racers.

Sadly statistics confirm that it’s still young men that cause the majority of (and the most expensive) road accidents.

And being a motoring club for women drivers, our road safety advice and support services put women first and we don’t want to have to pay for these expensive male accidents.

Don’t miss out. We exist to save savvy Club members money. The more that join the Club the better the deals we can negotiate across the board. To benefit us all.


Are women really better drivers than men – and how does this affect insurance?

It’s a contentious and controversial argument which has been debated for decades – and will probably still run for several decades more. Perhaps it will never end.

We’re talking about the battle of the sexes behind the wheel – are men better drivers than women, or is it the other way around?

Driving stereotypes are ingrained and hard to shift. Thus, female drivers are often tagged as unable to park properly – especially reversing into a parking space – while male motorists are too often seen as aggressive, fast driving types who would rather turn a one-hour journey into a six-hour trip than simply ask for directions.

But are these truths or myths? And in the ongoing contest of women drivers versus their male counterparts, who are the better drivers?

Recent research seems to favour females. In fact, the Telegraph reported both in 2015 and 2016 that surveys revealed women are the ‘better’ drivers. Tests on motorists while in the car and when approaching London’s busy Hyde Park Corner junction yielded a stronger performance from women, who scored 23.6 points from a maximum of 30. The male drivers monitored managed 19.8 points in comparison.

Some of the results showed clear divides between driving behaviours. For example, 14% of men were witnessed ‘cutting dangerously into traffic’ while only 1% of women were. When it came to ‘driving too close to the vehicle in front’, 27% of men did so; only 4% of women did. And 79% of female drivers were considered to have shown ‘adequate use of mirrors’ compared to just 46% of men. Of course, this isn’t a definitive verdict but an interesting sample study.

Meanwhile, in this article titled 13 driving myths uncovered created by RAC Breakdown cover – data from an NCP survey suggested women were also more skilled at parking than men. It used surveillance on 2,500 drivers across 700 NCP car parks to come to the conclusion that while men were quicker at parking, women were more likely to park cars ‘in the middle of a bay’.

Driving proficiency obviously has a bearing on road safety but also insurance costs. Historically, primarily because male drivers are involved in a higher proportion of road traffic accidents, they were typically charged more for insurance than women. However, an EU ruling in December 2012 prevented insurance companies from discriminating on the basis of gender alone, instead pricing premiums of other data. What happens to that ruling in the wake of the Brexit decision remains to be seen.

What’s interesting is that, according to an article published by the Guardian earlier in 2017, instead of the price gap between men and women narrowing, it has widened. Back in 2012, it says, male drivers paid on average £27 more for an annual car insurance policy. Now, that amount has grown to £101. Despite the ruling, in general terms, women drivers have benefited from insurance pricing. Men are still considered higher risk. Instead, insurers are increasingly using more targeted data and analysing specific factors such as age, driving history and occupation calculate premiums based on the probability of risk.

As an extension of that, telematics – also known as black box – insurance is a way of monitoring driver behaviour and performance, as a means of rewarding safer drivers with lower premiums. It can track braking and acceleration to calculate a driving ‘score’ which could then lead to a reduced price at renewal time.

This means, regardless of whether you’re a man or woman, you have the ability to lower your insurance costs by driving carefully and responsibly – although black box insurance is usually available to younger motorists only.

Foxy competition time…


We’re feeling the love and have three great gifts for women to win…

1/ If you’ve missed our Harrod’s Valentine Day champagne and chocolates offer at our Facebook Page (it ends on Wednesday 11 February at noon) worry not.

2/ Starting on Monday 16th we’ll be running a special competition for one wonderful and deserving Mum on Mothers’ Day, ending on Wednesday 11 March at noon. I can’t say too much for now other than it’s from Fortnum and Mason…

NB: Be sure to like our FOXY Lady Drivers Facebook Page to see/enter this after 16th.

3/ Our London Shard Hotel competition via our FOXY Lady Insurance website

If you’re feeling lucky and in need of low cost car insurance sometime this year, be sure to visit the FOXY Lady Insurance website and register for a quote* to enter our best ever hotel competition for a stay at iconic Shard London Hotel this summer. That runs until 30 April 2015 and the lucky winner will be announced in May. This prize is worth £1500 including £500 spending money and is offered by our marvellous insurance partner Cornmarket Insurance Services Ltd.

The more insurance renewal dates you supply (we have car, motorcycle and home insurance services) the more entries you get in this competition. And the more times you’ll hear from friendly Cornmarket at renewal time of course.

We’re getting great feedback here and we’ll be doing our darnedest to get women the insurance rates they deserve, simply by seeking the safest drivers and excluding expensive boy racers that seem to chalk up the most expensive accidents and claims, which previously we were contributing towards.

So these are three really fab gifts for ladies who are following us. One for Valentines Day, another for Mothers Day and the biggest of all, for a fantastic summer holiday in London in the 5 star luxury Shangri-La Hotel that is part of the iconic Shard Hotel there.

Terms apply… but don’t miss out!


*Our aim is to cut the cost of car insurance for 9 out of 10 members of FOXY Lady Drivers Club. Terms apply. Club members get the best rates but in 2015 non members who buy a FOXY Lady Insurance product will get a gift membership of the Club included in their deal.

Romeo, the London Shard Hotel’s adventurous fox

romeo_1Last month we launched a new insurance service for Club members and to get things off to a flying start we added a hotel competition to encourage them to register with us for an insurance quote.

The hotel we chose was the newly opened luxury Shangri-La which is part of the iconic London Shard.

Imagine my surprise to read that we won’t be the first fox-y customers to stay there.

Apparently a fox was found roaming the upper levels of The Shard during its construction and named Romeo. Seemingly he survived by eating scraps of food left by builders before being captured, cared for by vets and then released back into Bermonsea with the strict instructions not to climb high buildings again…

Goodness knows how he got there – not in the lift we’re told.

Anyway, to celebrate his foxy antics one of the gifts on sale in The Shard giftshop is now a cuddly fox toy, called Romeo of course.

To win a stay at the Hotel Shard

shardhotelIf any female would like to enter our competition to win a stay in London’s luxury Shangri-La Shard Hotel, a prize worth £1500 including £500 spending money, all you have to do is REGISTER for an insurance quote with us before the end of April. The more quotes you register (car, motorcycle and home) the more entries and so on…

NB: You don’t have to be a Club member to be eligible (and in fact non members will receive a one-off gift membership as part of any insurance quote during 2015) but, as you might expect of us, Club members will always get the best deal from FOXY Lady Insurance.

A new insurance service for women

I am delighted to announce that FOXY Lady Insurance has appointed Cornmarket Insurance Services to provide car, classic car, home, motorcycle and travel insurance for members of FOXY Lady Drivers Club.

cornmarket_logoCornmarket is a specialist broker that looks after the IAM and Bank of Ireland customers as well as teachers, motorbikers and truck drivers. They know all about affinity groups like ours and recognise that FOXY is doing all it can to help women drivers be safer drivers in future.

This is the ideal opportunity to reward Club members who are safer drivers.


As a special launch offer, subject to confirmation, we are also making this service available to non member females who will each receive a gift membership of FOXY Lady Drivers Club, qualifying for preferential insurance rates in this way.

Previously FOXY worked with individual brokers who committed to our FOXY Lady Approved standards but today’s central scheme is more beneficial as the likely volume will result in better rates for Club members.

In fact Cornmarket’s experience is that they can cut the cost of car insurance for 9 out of 10 Club members*.


*based on new car insurance quotations provided by Cornmarket Insurance Services to the Institute of Advanced Motorists’ members from 2008 to now.

And let’s face it, it’s price that matters first followed by knowledgeable customer service where you can speak to an individual and ask those important questions that apply to you, your car and your family alone.


shangri_la_shard_londonAnd anyone who registers for a FOXY Lady Insurance quote by 30 April 2015 will automatically be entered into a luxury hotel competition at the iconic London Shard Hotel.

The London Shard is perfectly located within walking distance of bustling Borough market, West End theatres and shops as well as the Tower of London, Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey.

The Shangri-La hotel is on its 34th to 52nd floors and, as you can imagine, all rooms have unrivalled city views with floor to ceiling windows!

This prize is worth £1500 including £500 spending money, terms apply and the winner will be announced in May 2015.



NB: FOXY Lady Drivers Club is an Introducer Appointed Representative (IAR) for Cornmarket Insurance Services.