For good business reasons we arranged for our broadband services to move from BT to PlusNet today.
Telecomms and IT aren’t my subject so this was something my husband Paul decided to look after.
He understands the subject and, having been less than happy with poor broadband speeds plus an uncaring, disconnected and inflexible attitude at BT for years, he was looking forward to returning to PlusNet.
Opening the office that morning at 8.30am I realised something wasn’t right. We couldn’t access our server. I’d forgotten the date of the handover, of course, and even if I had remembered this it never dawned on me that this process would mean an online business being left without its ability to be online, during working hours.
Maybe I was naïve on this count…
Clearly BT had switched us off before PlusNet had time to catch their baton.
So we called PlusNet to learn that they had their own, seemingly major, technical problems that their engineers were busy trying to fix. And they couldn’t deal with accounts queries as a result.
So here we are – it’s 1.30pm and we still have no broadband or access to our business.
A little later on we sparked up a 4G smartphone and managed to get someone interested @PlusnetHelp.
And by 4pm we were live again. Thanks to Twitter in no small way.
So in case this has affected Club members or our business partners in any way, my sincere apologies but now you understand what’s been going on.
Looking on the bright side, as ever, I’ve acquired some unexpected time to do some writing and thinking about opportunities to help us move FOXY forward.
In short, it’s an ill wind for me today and an unexpected reason to thank BT for this unexpected leaving present…