Tag Archives: car club

Is this the latest in car battery technology?

The UK’s largest independent car club, City Car Club, is working with innovative start-up LipraLoof Technologies Ltd, to trial smart power technology, which could soon see cars powered by AA-style batteries – much handier for women to carry in their handbag than a petrol can!

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James Finlayson, Managing Director of hourly rental City Car Club said: “When LipraLoof approached us we realised just how exciting this new technology could be – it has the potential to revolutionise the way we all drive. However, as with all new technology, rigorous real-world testing is a must and with our fleet of 700+ cars, all used mainly for short journeys, we are in the perfect position to trial this in UK cities.”


The LipraLoof batteries contain a mix of four metal hydrates which creates a quad, or 4A battery which is much more power than a standard battery. Quad batteries store and reuse energy which is lost with a traditional car battery. Even over long journeys, the quad batteries will still allow us to hit 88mph should the need arise.

LipraLoof’s founder and managing director Dr Ed Heaverben, explains: “We’ve combined our quad batteries with virtually 100% regenerative braking which harnesses the energy normally lost when we brake. Another significant area where we’ve conserved energy is with the tyres – we’ve developed a specially designed tread that ‘grabs’ energy which normally escapes onto the road as heat. This saved energy is then stored in a Franco-Luxemburg engineered Flux Capacitor, ever ready for use when needed.”


Trial and development is expected to last around two years, with a commercial version available to hire from 2016-17. Needless to say, FOXY Lady Drivers Club is first in line for a test drive!

Car clubs are all about providing a realistic, environmentally sustainable and flexible alternative to car ownership that benefits individuals as well as the wider community.

guestblogFor further information visit www.citycarclub.co.uk or www.lipraloof.co.uk.

Could be cheaper to insure a classic car

This is a Guest Blog including an infographic designed by Confused.com and provided by Ian Owen about the cost of insuring a classic car.

We thought that young FOXY Lady Drivers in particular would like to know which classics can be cheaper to insure than more modern models.


FOXY footnote

Yes, classic cars like VW Beetles, Minis, Morris Minors and Triumph Heralds CAN be cheaper to insure and yes they’re undoubtedly fun to drive and look amazing… but that isn’t the whole story. Most classic car insurers will look for evidence that you belong to a car club like ours – suggesting you will take better care of your car than if you hadn’t joined a club…

There’s also other financial considerations of course. Be sure to factor in fuel consumption and road tax too – only pre-1973 manufactured cars are tax exempt as is, these cars are rarely environmentally friendly so most score badly on VED-related CO2 ratings AND you may find the new MOT regime somewhat onerous (and expensive to pass)…

But if you’re still determined to buy into that vintage look, we recommend you join FOXY and at least together we’ll be able to help you find a local garage that knows how to take care of an older car – not all appreciate their finer points, believe me!


What is a Car Club?

According to CarPlus.org.uk there are 42 UK car clubs, running in 37 towns and cities representing over 64,177 members using around 1,402 cars. This from a start of just 250 car club members in 2000.

I find the use of the term ‘car club’ very confusing because in my book, ‘car club’ has been stolen from the many classic and owners car clubs that have been in existence for 50+ years.

Now we have a situation where a ‘club’ that wants us to sell our cars and use theirs also wants to call themselves a car club!

I’d have imagined that these timeshare cum car rental businesses would have wanted their own generic name more in keeping with their green and ‘as and when’ credentials.

I run a car club for women drivers, FOXY Lady Drivers Club, and our members are entitled to a unique package of membership services that is worth considerably more than our annual subscription of £20 – these help them run safer, greener and more reliable cars for less money. Our female friendly club benefits are available across the UK, not just in 37 locations by the way.

Whilst I accept that there may be a good following for the timeshare cum rental principle within green-minded communities with a good public transport system, this simply doesn’t fit the bill in rural economies for example or for many other considerations I can relate to do with female drivers lifestyle, safety, mobility and/or driving confidence.

Which is presumably why, when asked ‘In the current economic climate, would you consider giving up your car and joining a car club instead to save money?’ in a recent survey, an overwhelming 68 per cent majority voted ‘No’.

Even so, I’d like to read more about this alleged moneysaving deal for Mums to use these timeshare cum rental schemes on a regular business commute, with multiple children in tow for school collections, caring for elderly relatives in the community and wanting to feel safe visiting friends at nights.


The important thing is not what they think of me, but what I think of them’
– Queen Victoria