A recent survey by Churchill Car Insurance confirms that few women drivers are very good at car maintenance.
When asked about specific garage-type chores nearly half the women asked claimed not to know how to top up their oil or check their brake fluid levels. You really should know how, said Churchill Car Insurance as they gave away free breakdown cover to help sell their car insurance to women drivers before the end of September.
Unsurprisingly, more men than women considered themselves to be experts in this field (one in three marvellous men compared to one in 20 critical women ;-)) whereas an occasional honest man (one in ten) considered himself to be poor at doing this compared to one in three women.
Clearly much salt must to be taken with most gender research but I am always amazed at the expectation that we should all know how to do our own car maintenance when it comes to today’s highly computerised engine systems. Fair enough we should glance at our tyres everytime we approach our car to spot any defects or potential flats because these are fundamental to our personal safety.
But do we really need to know how to change a tyre or top up specialist oils or brake fluids in today’s modern cars?
If my car breaks down I call a breakdown recovery service and expect to get rescued pdq.
Yes I can check my car’s lights, oil, coolant and brake fluid levels in between regular car services but I’m happiest when a female friendly garage professional checks these and my CO2 emissions for me afterwards. I would always have my car checked before a lengthy holiday journey anyway.
Fortunately members of FOXY Lady Drivers Club and their family can take advantage of free seasonal car checks, each worth £15, carried out by handpicked and female friendly garages across the UK. At this time of year the checks include brake fluid, oil, coolant, tyres, lights, windscreen and emissions. At other times of the year these include air conditioning systems, battery and anti-freeze levels.
I know that many female friendly garages and car dealerships kindly arrange for Ladies evenings where they teach women drivers the maintenance basics and how to cope with road rage, for example. I particularly like the courses called Safety at the Wheel (as offered by many Vauxhall dealerships) and the car maintenance evenings offered by Unipart Car Care Centres – I went to an excellent one at SB Motors in Hove last winter. Thank you Caroline.
But the truth is that men and women drivers don’t have to do it for themselves on their own but if they do, they must get it right, choosing the right specialist oils to maximise the performance of their cars.
Yes sisters can DIY car maintenance for themselves if they want to but just to be sure, they can also pop into their nearest female friendly FOXY garage and get their maintenance checked on a regular basis. All it takes is 20 minutes and a professional eye is more likely to see problems arising than we are, before they become extremely expensive to fix.
Yet another FOXY moneysaving tip for free…