Girls looking for a challenging career in marketing, sales, finance, technology and administration areas should seriously consider the UK motor industry; it is crying out for your talents in future.
My particular interest is to enthuse young girls who might otherwise imagine that the motor industry is a male dominated industry that has nothing to offer them. You’d be totally wrong to think this…
Yes, this is a male dominated industry as is, with a staggering 80% of employees male. Yes, I was personally shocked to find this after the 50:50 male:female leisure and tourism industries I worked in BUT I fervently believe that this is set fair to change for a more balanced future…
I believe this because I speak to and deal with so many good, well-intentioned and genuinely female friendly garages and car dealerships that want to employ more females in future. They realise that women trust women, especially in an industry which may well be the last male bastion. Not only can the very presence of a female in a business reassure wary women shoppers but this can also mean new female customers – serious added value for the bottom line; not to be sneezed at.
And there are so many female role models that have made it to the top – more about them in later blogs perhaps.
And now friendly female employees can promote friendly females they employ in customer facing roles; this is what FOXY Choice does with its Female Business Ambassador network of course.
I hope female recruits end up in a genuinely female friendly business of course – there are a lot that say they are female friendly, thinking that we are happy with male service levels 😉 – they haven’t got the message yet!
So if you are looking for a career destination and you’d like to know which motor industry businesses are likely to be the best ones to apply to, I suggest you contact any female friendly local garages or dealerships listed at FOXY Choice or those businesses that are ATA or AMA employers (see via the IMI website) because they have either signed the female friendly FOXY Promise or the IMI’s ethical Code of Conduct; both these commitments single out a business’ integrity over others who can’t be bothered.
Go for it girls – get in at the ground floor of the motor industry now. It knows it is in need of a female friendly makeover; the best businesses are looking for the best female students out there and they could be you learning on the job and getting qualified as you go.
All you have to do is get to work, roll your sleeves up and show the guys how the right women can help them make a genuine difference to service levels for ALL customers in future.