Tag Archives: Juliane Kokott

No need for young women drivers to despair about car insurance

Call me suspicious but when there’s bad news to be announced it’s usually leaked out under cover of a bigger story.

And what could be a bigger story than Christmas?

The bad news is that the UK Gender Directive arrived on 21 December and it will undoubtedly price many young women drivers off the road as a result.

Some call it D-Day – the D standing for despair presumably, as felt by many young females when they receive their renewal insurance notifications from now on.

I’m not talking so much about rich families because, in most cases, their parents will simply cough up. I’m talking about those that aren’t well off but who scrimped and saved to fund their own driving lessons, test and first car. And all of them young women who are statistically less likely to speed or take risks than their male counterparts…

Was it so unreasonable for them to expect their insurance premiums to reduce not double and more as looks to be the case in future?

The irony is that this gender discrimination has been inflicted on us by the European Court of Justice [sic] and a German Mum of six. Shame on you Juliane Kokott – when we needed you to stick up for your gender you put your career first. Who needs enemies when we can’t even rely on our own sex for support.

The future for car insurance for women

By the New Year we’ll have the new FOXY Lady Insurance website to help. Not just about car insurance it’ll also identify the best deals out there, seen through female eyes. What makes FOXY different is that we’re the UK’s only dedicated female brand for motorists and we’re totally independent. We’ll also be inviting female feedback about insurance services and insurers so we can share this to benefit others. And finally we’ll be promoting insurance agents and brokers who share our wish to provide female friendly insurance services to women in future. At times of change and potential unfairness it’s reassuring to rely on personal service from someone who uderstands.

Because, contrary to Juliane’s principles, equality doesn’t always mean that both genders are the same or that we want to be treated the same when it comes to customer service. So FOXY’ll tackle this service gap so women can rely on us to represent their best interests.

This will be my final blog to vent about this subject. It is clearly EU madness, FOXY was too late to the party to make a difference (this has been in the pipeline for over a decade whereas FOXY arrived in 2005) and it’s now time to move on. Amen.

The FOXY way forward

If, having read this far, you share my indignation, there are three things you could do to help young women, with a view to the future.

1 Please LIKE our FOXY Lady Insurance Page at Facebook.

2 Tell any young female motorists to contact FOXY Lady Insurance if their renewal quote rises unfairly. We’ll try to beat it by introducing them to a FOXY Lady Approved insurance adviser who’ll listen, understand and be well informed about their situation.

3 Bookmark our new website and return to it in the New Year (and tell others to do the same).

Thank you for listening…


What were you thinking of Juliane?

EU's Juliane KokottLast year Juliane Kokott a German mother of six and EU Equality Commissioner passed a ruling so that women drivers are to pay the same motor premiums as men from December 2012.

How she must dislike her own gender despite our safer driving records.

As such she has surely opened the door to potential claims of ageism and sexism in the face of statistical evidence that most young women are safer drivers than many young men who are known to cause the majority of the UK’s fatal, serious and very expensive road accidents.

But why has she done this?

Q    Will this ruling save young lives?
A    No. It might even encourage more young men to drive than before because of cheaper car insurance for them.

Q    If this was your insurance business would you charge cautious and feckless drivers the same premiums for the same cover?
A    Of course not.

Q    Who will benefit most from this?
A    Young men and motor insurers because female premiums will rise a lot and male premiums will fall a bit, leaving more profit in between.

Q    Who is footing this bill to include the cost of so many road accidents caused by men?
A    Female motorists.

Call it equality if you like but it isn’t fair on UK women drivers.

Expect to hear more from me about this throughout 2012 as car insurance premiums for women drivers start to rise…

What do you think?


UK women drivers need an urgent voice in the EU

As the EU considers charging young women up to 25% more (some say 40% more) for their car insurance who is speaking out for the best interests of UK female motorists?

In my business I am allowed to price my product relative to demand, operating costs and the competition. Which is why most young women drivers get lower car insurance premiums than most young men, because they are the cheaper/safer sex for insurers to underwrite.

However, following a Belgian complaint about this practice, the Advocate General at the European Court of Justice, Juliane Kokott, believes that charging men and women different rates because of their sex violates anti-discrimination laws in a short-sighted gesture that is paying lip service to political correctness within the EU. So we should all be paying the same.

Mrs Kokott, a German mother of six for the record, has asked the Court to rule on the validity of an exemption clause to the Equal Treatment Directive and, if approved within the next month, this will quickly become EU law. All women in the UK may well end up paying more for car insurance cover, thus subsidising the expensive accidents that are mainly caused by young men.

Far from violating anti-discrimination laws, this is surely a case of positive discrimination against female drivers.

This reminds me of a heartfelt comment made by former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright:

‘There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.’

Few females seem such worthy candidates of this scorn as Mrs Kokott, regardless of the Court’s eventual judgement.


If you feel strongly about this and can add ideas, weight and communications reach to a FOXY campaign, please email info@foxyladydrivers.com