AVF Communications and FOXY Lady Drivers Club are joining forces to promote a programme of first class showroom events to women drivers across the country.
Hertfordshire-based motor industry PR and event management consultancy AVF Communications is helping women fight back against the alarming increase in so called ‘road rage’ said to be sweeping the country by launching courses with motor dealerships, aimed at dealing with behind-the-wheel bullies.
AVF was the first external PR agency to be appointed by UK car manufacturer Mercedes-Benz UK to run an evening class for motor dealerships called Safety at the Wheel. Since then, a similar programme called Women in the Driving Seat has been adopted by Vauxhall Motors Ltd, for whom AVF is a manufacturer-approved supplier.
This week, AVF announced a strategic alliance with FOXY Lady Drivers Club to get these events to an even bigger audience than before.
We’re looking forward to working together and promoting AVF’s showroom events to women drivers. In our experience these are great fun as well as confidence-boosting occasions, giving female motorists the ammunition we need when motoring gets stressful.
Not just that, but the organising dealerships are usually genuinely female-friendly businesses that we can introduce to Club members when they’re shopping for new cars or garage services. These days women are more savvy, shrewd and discerning – hence the considerable value of the independent FOXY Choice ‘female friendly garage’ endorsement.
We will shortly be publishing details of Ladies evenings across the UK, whether organised by franchised car dealerships or independent garages.
Car manufacturers, retailers and dealerships wishing to learn more about women’s showroom events can contact Adrian Foster at AVF Communications direct.
To find out more about the UK’s only female friendly garage network and the associated marketing services, please contact me via the FOXY Choice website.