Tag Archives: VW

Fiddled emissions whilst VW burns

VW 15921The VW share price is plummeting. Credibility of the many VW brands is affected. Perhaps their F1 ambitions have just gone up in smoke?

“We screwed up”, “we’ve been dishonest” and “we’re truly sorry” says their US CEO Michael Horn. But is that good enough?

Clearly the emissions scandal will run and run with lots of new whistleblowers adding to industry flames. VW Group testing software in the US appears to have been tinkered with resulting in certain diesel engines appearing to run cleaner than they really do – when tested by agencies appointed by manufacturers that is.

I’m relieved to read the SMMT (Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders) saying this couldn’t happen in the UK because of the EU’s independent testing regime. Let’s hope they’re right.

VW BoardInterestingly the main VW Board is all male. And what has the likes of McKinsey been telling us for years? That women matter because we bring ethical values, a collaborative approach and environmental awareness to Board room decisions. In short, where gender balance exists organisations are healthier from the point of view of finance and efficiency. This isn’t rocket science guys but it’s clear you weren’t listening to the gender message when you should have been.

It looks to me that the VW Board could do with female Executive Board Directors to teach them business values and ethics. They were too busy studying the wrong metrics – now see how this negligence affects their beloved balance sheet…

But an equally worrying issue is surely, if the likes of main Board Directors at VW can be THIS unethical, no wonder the global motor industry suffers the image it does. Because it seems to be TRUE of the very top?

Will any of those male Directors held to account be replaced by women?

Let’s hope so but I’m not holding my breath…

Finally let’s hope this is a scandal purely involving the VW Group… but let’s not forget the potential reach – their prestigious brands include VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini and Porsche.

How could this happen in such a family, unless high level individuals knew and condoned this… That’s shocking.



Totally transparent garage services at Stourbridge Volkswagen

Women who are wary about male dominated garages and mechanics that tend to baffle them with technical jargon will be impressed by Volkswagen’s new 100% transparent garage service at their Stourbridge showroom in Worcestershire.

Not just a promise to be more open in future Volkswagen has gone that extra mile and opened up their Volkswagen Stourbridge showroom by removing its workshop walls.

This then provides a glass encased inspection area for customers so everyone can see exactly what’s going on. They can also ask for the work to be explained to them by a qualified technician whilst their car is being inspected.

As you can see in the photograph, the inspection area is actually a glass framed enclosure and customers can see precisely what is being done to their car, even when it is on a vehicle ramp.

This sort of transparency is precisely what is needed to reassure worried women about garage workmanship standards and ethics. If you have nothing to hide, you will get brownie points for showing this off.

Not just transparency but extra value for money as well… because every VW to visit Stourbridge Volkswagen in Audnam will receive the offer of a complementary 34-point express visual check. Those that want to take advantage of this can then escort Vince Baker who will explain this in layman’s terms, providing a greater insight into the car’s condition and helping to build a much needed relationship of trust with a view to the future.

The pilot service has cost Volkswagen UK £70,000 to install we are told, and if successful it may be rolled out across the UK network.

We would certainly support this female friendly approach in future. Indeed it’s one of the reasons why Stourbridge Volkswagen is a FOXY Choice approved female friendly garage that we are happy to introduce to members of FOXY Lady Drivers Club.


VW’s Spring servicing bargain

All women drivers buying a new Volkswagen can pay a one-off sum of just £250 to cover the servicing needs for the next three years or 30,000 miles, carried out by ATA equivalent fully trained VW specialists within their franchised dealership network.

And just like BMW Mini’s TLC package, if the car is sold before the three years are up (or 30,000 miles), the remainder of the plan can be transferred to the new owner which is an attractive sales extra.

Volkswagen Finance’s  servicing plan is open to all retail female customers whether they pay by finance or not. The £250 plan can be purchased up to 90 days after the first registration date of the vehicle or, alternatively, it can be included in selected Volkswagen Finance plans meaning peace of mind can cost just a few pounds per month.

The fixed-price service plan includes a maximum of an oil service at 12 months / 10,000 miles; an interval service including oil change at 24 months / 20,000 miles; and an inspection service including oil and brake fluid change at 36 months / 30,000 miles. At the same intervals, all VW Fox and New Beetle models receive an oil service, inspection service including oil and brake fluid change and a final oil service.

NB: A fixed-price servicing plan is also available for women drivers buying used VW cars from car dealerships for a one-off payment of just £299 under a separate plan.

Both fixed-price servicing plans apply to routine servicing based on the manufacturer’s recommended service schedule and exclude maintenance and other items.

Always check the small print and for more information visit www.volkswagen.co.uk.

Why not search for a female friendly garage or car dealership near you?