A Duxback Product Review

A Duxback Product Review

If you haven’t heard the name before, Duxback is a screen product you apply to glass so it then deflects rain, sleet and snow. To remember the name just think ‘water off a duck’s back.’ Got it?

And if you’ve heard about Pilkington Glass you probably know of their so called self-cleaning glass that’s often a feature in posh new houses with lots of inaccessible glass such as high level roofs. What a boon that’d be at this time of year when home and office windows get so grubby so quickly.

So, I’d describe Duxback as a sort of motoring equivalent of Pilkington Glass but with a more memorable name.

Once applied, it’ll keep your car windows clean and clear (for six months after application) thus aiding visibility and, significantly, contributing to your road safety. But don’t just take FOXY’s word for this, Duxback is used by Boeing to coat their cockpit glass. Come to think about it, aircraft don’t have windscreen wipers (?!!) but still need first rate visibility. So that’s a great reference to start with.

We first came across this product some time ago and gave it our FOXY Oscar Award at a motor trade conference I spoke at in those days. But at the time, motorists had to apply the Duxback coating themselves and this deterred people like me, for fear we didn’t do this properly and or it started to peel off.

But things are different now and not only is the product more affordable, it also comes applied by local Halfords Autocentre professionals which makes the service so much more convenient.

Duxback can be applied by Halfords Autocentres

To be precise you can have Duxback applied to your car at any Halfords Autocentre as follows:

a/ You can have this applied to your car windscreen for £24.95.
b/ You can have this applied to your front two windows and car windscreen for £34.95.
c/ You can have this applied to all car windows including the front & rear windscreens as well as side windows for £59.95.

All you have to do is choose your nearest Halfords Autocentre at the website (in the CAR CARE sub menu), tell them the car/model concerned then schedule your chosen Duxback application for a morning or afternoon slot.

And if you do this before 31 MARCH 2016 and quote FOXY25 you’ll save a stonking 25% off these prices.

Special FOXY offer in 2016

Whilst most FOXY promotions are reserved for Club members we have negotiated this one to share with blog readers too – of both genders. So prior to 31 March 2016 anyone reading this blog is entitled to claim a 25% discount off the above Duxback prices by entering the Promo Code FOXY25 when you get to the Basket Stage of the transaction.

Just choose your nearest Halfords Autocentre at the website (in the CAR CARE sub menu), tell them the car/model concerned then schedule your chosen Duxback application for a morning or afternoon slot.

NB: Do not pass the BASKET Stage without finding and adding the FOXY24 code – see the image – this option appears below the Duxback product you select in your Basket.

FOXY’s Duxback review

Our 25% discount offer makes Duxback a more affordable service than before and getting the Duxback professionals to do this for us makes compelling sense.

Knowing that we have yet to experience the worst that winter can throw at us I recommend that you have this done for your own (and any family cars) as soon as possible to aid visibility.

Why choose Duxback?

Clearly if Duxback is good enough for Boeing it’s good enough for FOXY too. Set in a motoring context, this is why.

1/ After application, rain, sleet & snow simply beads and rolls off your windscreen.

2/ There is no need to use wipers when travelling over 40mph in pouring rain!

3/ Duxback can prevent rainwater on side windows and door mirrors which will make journeys safer for long distance drivers/company car drivers who may have hundreds of miles to travel regardless of heavy rain conditions.

4/ Duxback also repels dirt so the windscreen and side glass is easier to keep clean.

5/ Finally if you’ve ever attempted to drive through unpredictable periods of monsoon-like rainfall, this can be both frightening and dangerous with some wipers simply unable to cope.

Best to get Duxback applied for your motoring peace of mind FOXY says, knowing this will aid vision and keep you and yours safer on our roads this winter.

FOXY Steph


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