Our sister website, FOXY Lady Insurance, provides insurance quotes for women who are members of FOXY Lady Drivers Club.
And so we don’t deter non members from benefiting from our preferential insurance rates, we now include a lifetime online subscription to FOXY Lady Drivers Club following every insurance registration, regardless of when your next renewal date is.
We recommend you register with us for an insurance quote now so we can contact you to compete with your best rate at or near to renewal time.
Car insurance shopping tips
Other than shopping around for all insurances regularly (including with us) we’d like to add the following practical tips.
- Everyone needs breakdown cover in addition to their car insurance. Make sure yours is current.
- Comprehensive cover beats Third Party every time; Third Party cover is rarely best value in the end.
- Always read the policy small print before you buy. Cheap isn’t always the best value for money. If the price is too low, there will be a reason.
- Think carefully before accepting a high excess that reduces your premium. You may find you are unable to make financial sense of any small claim as a result.
- Check your household policy to see if your designer handbag/shoes/child car seats are covered whilst in your car – you don’t want to pay for this twice.
- Always tell your insurer the truth re claims and licence points for the likes of speeding. You do not want to be left high and dry when making an insurance claim after an accident.
- Similarly, don’t let your MOT expire – some insurers will invalidate an insurance claim even if it’s only been for a matter of days.
- Telematics ie black box cover is likely best for Under 25 drivers but rarely needed for Over 30s with established No Claims Bonuses as it may add significant costs to install the black box.
- Perhaps learner drivers can be covered on Mum or Dad’s policy. Try Temporary Insurance cover to see.