Female Car Reviews Wanted

Female Car Reviews Wanted

In exchange for an informative, candid and independent review about a car make and model we have commissioned, we’ll thank you with a lifetime subscription to FOXY Lady Drivers Club worth £24.

Please see our Terms and Conditions below.

Car Review Format

Your review should cover the following questions (or as many of them as you can). If you would like to mention an employer or a business you run please tell us their name and website, for a link.

My Name (first name and surname):
My current car (brand and make):
Home town/location:
Employer/own business:

1. About me and my lifestyle.
2. How important is my car to me and why?
3. Why I bought this manufacturer/model
4. The features I like most and least.
5. What’s it like to drive?
6. Is it a comfortable car with good visibility?
7. Is it value for money when it comes to everyday motoring? By all means be specific about VED, insurance, mpg and servicing costs if you will.
8. Which safety features does it have?
9. How reliable has it been ie has it ever let you down (and if so how/where/why)?
10. Honest marks out of 10.

Car Review – FOXY Terms & Conditions

11. Email info@FOXYLadyDrivers.com to suggest your car’s make, model and age. We will then approve this, agree a schedule for your review and answer any questions not covered here.

12. We are looking for candid not gushing car reviews, written by women for women, about cars that are no more than 10 years old. Don’t worry about writing style, spelling or grammar, we’ll tidy up at this end!

13. We require a clear and recent photograph of the female reviewer and her car (either standing in front, alongside or sitting in the driving seat, with or without family members). Any additional photos, of the car interior perhaps, makes reading car reviews more meaningful and enjoyable.

14. We reserve the right to publish your car review at the Club website and in social media after editing and checking the final content back with you. We’ll always obscure any number plate recognition.

15. If you are a Club member already, please nominate a female to receive your FOXY Lady Drivers Club membership gift.

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